Documo is a Ghost theme for documentation sites.

Ghost has an amazing editor, navigation controls and some great theme customisation settings.

This makes Ghost a great platform for writing documentation for your product or startup, whether that's a use guide, API documentation or a support hub.

Why use Ghost for your documentation

Ghost's editor is world class. Along with a beautiful, clean and calm writing experience, it supports useful elements which are needed for documentation, like code snippets...

{{#foreach posts}}
<article class="{{post_class}}">
  <h2 class="post-title"><a href="{{url}}">{{title}}</a></h2>
  <p>{{excerpt words="26"}} <a class="read-more" href="{{url}}">&raquo;</a></p>
  <p class="post-footer">
    Posted by {{primary_author}} {{tags prefix=" on "}} at <time class="post-date" datetime="{{date format='YYYY-MM-DD'}}">{{date format="DD MMMM YYYY"}}</time>

images and image galleries...

Working on iPhone X, planning my day
Photo by Yura Fresh / Unsplash

and embeds...

How to use Documo

  • Buy the theme
  • Upload it in your Ghost site
  • Follow some installation steps
  • Customise the theme to your liking

About Documo

This page is a regular Post in Ghost. You can write content natively in Ghost, then organise posts in the menu manually.

The navigation on the left is managed within Ghost. You are free to list pages however you want, and a two-level navigation is supported.

Posts have a floating, dynamic Table of Contents, which works off the headings each post. Great for your users, as they